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The Bad Batch (animated series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 14


This series showed promise. But it’s now jumped the shark.
An over reliance on monsters where we know the heroes will always pull through.
Filoni and his insistence on child characters that are always smarter than the trained soldiers etc.
all this leads to somehow Palpatine returning.


The penultimate episode felt a little flat to me. Things we’ve all seen before and all too familiar. It also leaves a lot to do for the final episode. Maybe it will be a double length episode? Even so, I hope they land it. Somehow.

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


Series finale was double the usual length.


A mixed episode. It felt okay to me, but safe, nothing too unexpected. Everyone in the squad lived, and Omega will go off to join the Rebellion in a few years (that scene was touching, but a little unsure why she she still had the same child’s voice?) The music throughout was on point too.

They went back to Pabu to live out their days, and the Empire never turned up there again? Okay, I guess. I’m happy they found somewhere peaceful to live out, but it felt a little weird given the events earlier in the season.

Poor Scorch. Just what was the point to bring him back like that only to use him in this way? That felt like cheap fan service. We’ve been told repeatedly how important it was for Rex to find Tantiss to rescue his imprisoned brothers held there, but then simply doesn’t appear? That felt a waste, a little cheap. There’s been many cool concepts, ideas, and plot lines that the series introduced, and yet most of these have just fizzled away, into that all too familiar vagueness. A lot of unresolved questions and characters too, so I’m expecting another similar animated series being announced soon.

Overall 6/10. It was just okay, some good parts, some parts vague. I feel it was a little empty or lacking. Maybe if I’ll watch it again it’ll be different.

I hope you folks enjoyed it.

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas



I was afraid something stupid would happen like Omega suddenly discovers she can use the Force. Fortunately, that never happened. There’s a scene where the lead Imperial scientist (Dr. Hemlock) unleashes some sort of experimental clone super-soldiers that use light-saber like weapons, and I was afraid something dumb would happen like these soldiers would be able to use the Force. Fortunately, the writers had some restraint and no Force antics occurred. We also never find out what Project Necromancer is, so we’re left to assume the obvious implication. But it doesn’t matter, because the project gets promptly cancelled by Tarkin because the Imperial scientists forgot to backup all their data to their Imperial iCloud account. (I also like how Tarkin orders some random scientist to “redirect all funding to project Stardust”, as if some random scientist would have the authority to do something like that.)

The main plot throughout the season is derived from the same template used in The Mandalorian: evil Imperial scientists are doing “vague science shit” related to something with cloning and Midichlorians, and their entire project depends on capturing a single Force-sensitive child whom they need for their nefarious experiments. The details of their project are never fleshed out, but we’re left with vague hints that these Imperial experiments somehow tie in with later events related to cloning Palpatine, or Snoke or whatever. The Mandalorian decided to eventually finally explain that the goal was to create Force-sensitive super-soldier clones, whereas The Bad Batch wisely never explains anything. In both cases, the project goes nowhere, and serves only as a plot device to explain why bad guys are after a little child and good guys have to protect the child.


The first two seasons were a surprise to me for how much I enjoyed them, but I still decided to keep my expectations in check. It was an alright season. There were some very good episodes, other were a waste of time. I think it was a let down after season 2 but I’m satisfied with the ending. There were so many stupid paths they could have taken instead of what we got.


The ending was emotionally fulfilling. It did for me what I wanted it to do. It was a treat seeing Omega all grownup and getting to see everyone get closure.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


This final episode of Season 3 in the “Bad Batch” series certainly had its moments, but as a conclusion to the season and the entire show, it left much to be desired.

Throughout Season 3, we were treated to an improvement in storytelling compared to previous seasons, with intriguing subplots hinting at deeper narratives and a lot less random unconnected filler. However, Disney’s tendency to wrap up entire arcs in single episodes rears its head once again, leaving many of these promising storylines unresolved.

From the repetitive rescue mission involving Omega to the lack of consequence for the Bad Batch members, the show as a whole failed to deliver the stakes it initially set up, and this finale episode kind of embodied that. Despite the illusion of danger, no significant character deaths occur, and even Crosshair’s injury feels inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. We are barely even given a moment of him dealing with it, physically or emotionally.

The subplot involving the Kaminoans and their supposed contingency plan is introduced but never fully explored, leaving me wondering about its significance. Similarly, the rushed resolution of Project Necromancer feels forced, with Disney’s insistence on including it seemingly motivated solely by retroactive continuity for the sequel trilogy.

The appearance of characters like Wolffe, Cody, and Rex teased potentially compelling storylines that are ultimately left unfulfilled. Their lack of involvement in the finale feels like a missed opportunity, especially considering the setup for their inclusion earlier in the series.

Even beloved characters like Scorch are given lackluster exits, further adding to the disappointment. Tarkin’s sudden authority to shut down the Emperor’s project feels out of place, and his decision to reallocate funds to the Death Star’s construction contradicts established canon.

While this episode may have its merits on its own in terms of great tension building, incredible visuals, fun action sequences, and ultimately an emotionally happy ending, as a finale to Season 3 and the “Bad Batch” series as a whole, it falls short of expectations, leaving many loose ends and unresolved plot points in its wake. 6.7/10 finale episode, 6.3/10 for the series as a whole.

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(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

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(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


I agree with most of you guys. It was ok to good in parts, but also felt safe, vague and lacking. Rushed maybe?

A little disappointed we didn’t see Rex, Gregor, Cody, Wolffe, or any of the many new characters such as Namic, Fireball, and Howzer. They had potential. I also didn’t like the way the Clone Commandos were treated as regular troopers. Scorch seemed to be a just regular bodyguard, for fan service, and not much like his RC era character. With the Clone Assassins feeling more like an end of level boss than actual characters. These are the aspects that felt rushed or glossed over tom me.

Hemlock not having any data backups or there being an “Emperor’s Top Secret Projects” cloud seems convenient. Despite the research lost, the scientists seem to have survived for the most part according to Tarkin’s officer. Maybe they’ll go work for the Emperor now? Or not give Tarkin just decided to transfer funds to the Death Star project, despite this being of the “highest importance” to the Emperor himself.

I’ve seen elsewhere online people say they’ll bring back Tech and Scorch if they want to for future animation shows, and given the the handwaving away for Ventress return they may be right. I hope they don’t, I hope they finally stop with this gimmicky feeling trope.

The set-up and improvements in the series, especially in season 2 and early season 3, felt like they were rowed back as we approached the end of the show. I guess I was hoping for it to be more. It was okay. 6-ish out of 10 for me too.

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


You guys all said it already. I wanted to like this more than I did. There was some good parts in there, but fell flat in others, and did have that “safe” ending finale. 6/10.

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas


the problem with this show is that the Bad Batch are not compelling characters and a lot of the episodes are just filler but it’s not bad like I said in another post
it’s just mid/average.