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JackNapier said:

NaturalSelector89 said:

JackNapier said:

snooker said:

NaturalSelector89 said:

NaturalSelector89, your username is in incredibly poor taste, considering that when you Google it, it was the username of a mass murderer. I must ask what motivated you to choose that username.

What if they are that murderer/s?

NaturalSelector89 nickname belonged originally to a Finnish male named Pekka-Eric Auvinen and he did a school shooting and died the same day (Nov, 7. 2007)

It was a joke off of yours

what was a joke? The events the original holder of name NaturalSelector89 are true and confirmed.

I like movies, games, tv, YouTube, the internet…


NaturalSelector89 said:

JackNapier said:

NaturalSelector89 said:

JackNapier said:

snooker said:

NaturalSelector89 said:

NaturalSelector89, your username is in incredibly poor taste, considering that when you Google it, it was the username of a mass murderer. I must ask what motivated you to choose that username.

What if they are that murderer/s?

NaturalSelector89 nickname belonged originally to a Finnish male named Pekka-Eric Auvinen and he did a school shooting and died the same day (Nov, 7. 2007)

It was a joke off of yours

what was a joke? The events the original holder of name NaturalSelector89 are true and confirmed.

I’m not sure, guess it ran away from me.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


Hi everybody!

I’ve been a casual Star Wars fan all my life. I grew up building Lego Star Wars sets, playing Lego Star Wars on the Nintendo Wii and of course reenacting the most iconic fight scenes with my friends using sticks as lightsabers. I also love cinema so I really wanna check out the 35mm scans of Star Wars and other 35mm scans I can find on this site.


Hey, new to the site… was watching Ep VII yesterday on 5/4 (which I liked) and thought… has anybody ‘fixed’ Eps VIII and IX yet? Which brought me here. Hopeful. Been a fan since 1977.


Hello, I’m Julio from Puerto Rico and, like most of you, I experienced the original in the theaters of their time.

I’m very fortunate to have a father who loves movies, sci-fi, and adventure…with a crunchy dose of horror too. He’s simply a fan of this kind of entertainment and transfered that to me, too efectively.

In 1977 there was only one theater capable of providing the full impact of these films, The Laguna Gardens UA 150.
Think of it as an old styled IMAX, but in a larger space; back then the screen was much wider than taller, so the seat area didn’t have that much inclination.
It was built for Cinemascope with 150 degrees of screen and 3000 watts of Sensurround; the rear combo subs were about 10’ tall and 6’ wide. They did make the seats tremble.
Legend states that when testing the system, some acoustic tiles just flew off!

Yes, that’s how I experienced it, along with every other high impact film, and of course all of Star Wars up to the special editions.

I told a friend that I was ashamed of doing away with my original VHS tapes; these could’ve been easily transferred to digital with a good service. Luckily, we have originaltrilogy.com!

Someone sent me an article on Despecialized and I started to follow up on this.
Haven’t downloaded, because I didn’t want to transfer to disc or use the computer. But recently, I tested some 4K HDR files with a hard disk connected directly to my blu-ray player, and works very smoothly.
For extra motivation, my girlfriend haven’t seen the original trilogy, but after a Star Wars concert this past weekend (it was awesome!), she would like to see them.

So, yes, this is the moment to get them and see how they do with my setup.


Hi! I’m introducing myself because it seems like the polite thing to do. I might try to learn the color timing ropes here, so I can finally grade a hi-res version of Aliens I can watch without missing the DVD colors. Thanks to you guys and your work, I can get proper versions of Star Wars and many of the films that shaped my perception of photography. Kudos to you all.


Hi all. I’m new here. Loved the silver screen edition and the despecialized editions years ago. I’m a cinematographer and regularly use Resolve so seeing the films with all the original grain and proper color correction is important. Recently heard about the 4K updates. I’m looking for how to download 4K80. Thanks.


Hi, Hampus here. I haven’t been around in years, so long that my old account is somewhere in limbo/oblivion… I still have my copy of Matt_Stevens’ “Hard Boiled” and want to get back into this when I heard 4k80 was released 😃


Hello everyone. I go by Snow. I wasn’t born yet when the first movie hit theatres (born in 78). Still, the magic of the original trilogy infected me since the age of 4. I was invited to come to the theatre to watch The Return of the Jedi, but hilariously my parents wouldn’t allow it. I still remember a literal truckload of excited adults and kids setting off to the only little theatre in town to see it.

None the less I occasionally got toys, stickers, books and other Star Wars knick knacks. Even up in Northern Alberta Canada, the trilogy had cemented itself in culture. Especially with us kids.

I’m an artist - I make silly cartoons, drawings, paintings, or whatever media might tickle my fancy. We are our own worst critics for sure. So, I can understand where Lucas is coming from, where he feels the trilogy was not his pure vision. In my opinion what he fails to realize is that he was talented, worked hard and had the privilege of making 3 incredible movies. If they weren’t that great, they would have not had the cult following that has stayed strong into its 5th decade.

The preservation of the original trilogy is very important because of its cultural significance.

I’m very glad there is a community of like minded fans who wish to preserve these films. The force is strong here. Let them never be lost.


Hi everybody,
I am a lifetime fan of Star Wars and it is new this kind of possibility to watch the best movies ever.


Hello Everybody!

I too saw the Original in the theater when it was released. Enjoyed it so much I immediately went back and watched it again. Ever since, I’ve been looking for a High Quality home release. Bought the DVD’s, but not great quality. When I bout the Blu-rays of the “Complete Series” (at that time), Mr. Lucas has seriously altered the Film. Hoping to learn more about the various options out there.



Greetings! I found this site after being heartbroken watching the latest 4k remastering of The Lord of the Rings. Was desperate to find any information I could on where/how I could watch the films again with as much preserved from the original 35mm scans as possible, and I did!

I’m very, very into movies, but have been disappointed a lot recently (with new films, and with remasterings of beloved classics) and this seems like a great community of like-minded folks. I’m especially a sucker for 35mm–everything about the quality of it is just superior, in my taste, to digital. But, again, many remasters try to hide the film-origin of a lot of these great movies.

I’m hoping to poke around and explore the forums to find cool projects people are working on, and maybe to learn a little bit about how folks are doing these amazing things!

Some of my FAVORITE movies:

In the Mood for Love - Won Kar Wai
Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky
Through a Glass Darkly - Ingmar Bergman
The Lord of the Rings - Peter Jackson
Bladerunner (and ALIEN) - Ridley Scott
Hiroshima Mon Amore - Alain Resnais
Aftersun - Charlotte Wells
Dune (Part 1 and 2) - Denis Villeneuve
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Hayao Miyazaki
From Up on Poppy Hill - Gorō Miyazaki
And of course, Star Wars (pretty much everything) - George Lucas, et al

Anyways, excited to be here, glad to be here!


<p><span data-contrast=“none”> Finding Meaning in Every Moment</span> <br /><span data-contrast=“none”>The final chapter, “Finding Meaning in Every Moment,” celebrates the profound  <a href=“https://onlineclassassignment.com/”><span data-ccp-charstyle=“Hyperlink”>online class help services</span></a>  sense of purpose and fulfillment that nurses derive from their work. Through stories of making a difference, finding joy in the midst of difficulty, and discovering beauty in the ordinary, nurses remind us of the profound meaning inherent in the practice of nursing.</span><span data-ccp-props=“{"201341983":0,"335559685":-20,"335559737":-20,"335559739":160,"335559740":259}”> </span></p>


Finding Meaning in Every Moment 
The final chapter, “Finding Meaning in Every Moment,” celebrates the profound  online class help services  sense of purpose and fulfillment that nurses derive from their work. Through stories of making a difference, finding joy in the midst of difficulty, and discovering beauty in the ordinary, nurses remind us of the profound meaning inherent in the practice of nursing.

<p><span data-contrast=“none”> Finding Meaning in Every Moment</span> <br /><span data-contrast=“none”>The final chapter, “Finding Meaning in Every Moment,” celebrates the profound  <a href=“https://onlineclassassignment.com/”><span data-ccp-charstyle=“Hyperlink”>online class help services</span></a>  sense of purpose and fulfillment that nurses derive from their work. Through stories of making a difference, finding joy in the midst of difficulty, and discovering beauty in the ordinary, nurses remind us of the profound meaning inherent in the practice of nursing.</span><span data-ccp-props=“{"201341983":0,"335559685":-20,"335559737":-20,"335559739":160,"335559740":259}”> </span></p>


Finding Meaning in Every Moment 
The final chapter, “Finding Meaning in Every Moment,” celebrates the profound  online class help services  sense of purpose and fulfillment that nurses derive from their work. Through stories of making a difference, finding joy in the midst of difficulty, and discovering beauty in the ordinary, nurses remind us of the profound meaning inherent in the practice of nursing.

<p><span data-contrast=“none”> Finding Meaning in Every Moment</span> <br /><span data-contrast=“none”>The final chapter, “Finding Meaning in Every Moment,” celebrates the profound  <a href=“https://onlineclassassignment.com/”><span data-ccp-charstyle=“Hyperlink”>online class help services</span></a>  sense of purpose and fulfillment that nurses derive from their work. Through stories of making a difference, finding joy in the midst of difficulty, and discovering beauty in the ordinary, nurses remind us of the profound meaning inherent in the practice of nursing.</span><span data-ccp-props=“{"201341983":0,"335559685":-20,"335559737":-20,"335559739":160,"335559740":259}”> </span></p>


Hello there!

Im a big fan of Star Wars and LOTR, I really like the old ones without any modern add ons and original color grade as posible so thats why Im here. Oficial LOTR 4K was dissapointing so I´m digging for better option here. Also I´ve seen SW despecialized editions and are fantastic!


Hi everyone. Stars Wars fan and a 80s Saturday morning enjoyer. Love to see all the restores of great cartoons in the forum section. Glad I found this place.


Life-long Star Wars fan and film lover. It brings me so much joy to see that this website exists, just wish I had found it earlier!


Hello everyone, my name is Edwin and I’m from Peru.
A little bit about me:
I sell used vinyl records that I bring from Germany.
I also like to make digital copies from vinyl of some songs that I like.
I like restored retro movies in 4k resolution (if available)
I would love to fix some videos but my computer is already old and too weak for those projects.
I would like to get the new STAR WARS remasters, but I am aware that I am new and maybe I have no right to ask for anything, or I don’t know how this works, can someone tell me how to proceed?

If anyone likes videos of vinyl records spinning, I’ll leave you my YouTube channel:


Hey everyone. Just joined today. Looking to check out the cool fan edits of Star Wars, and to talk with others about a franchise I love.