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Post #1587607

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Episode I: A Prelude to War (TPM & AOTC combined) [RELEASED]
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Date created
26-Apr-2024, 12:44 PM

Well, I only had time to watch the TPM part for now, my comments on it are:

  • I liked the idea of cutting all the first part, but the transition from the diplomatic ship being destroyed to the podracing scene is a little jarring. Perhaps including some seconds of the droid army invading Naboo could help transition the plot better.

  • Introducing Anakin’s story at the “He has no father” scene works really well. Good choice, it also establishes quickly one of the main plots of the trilogy.

  • I think there is some echo in the “A Jedi’s life is hard” scene,

  • I think cutting the Naboo plains battle was also a right choice, as it contributes little to the plot. Without it, the third act of TPM flows really well.

  • There is a little audio glitch in the score at 39:54, when the Trade’s Federation ship is exploding.

Overall I think it’s a really nice edit that higlights the good parts of TPM, and it’s interesting as an alternate view of the Prequels. I’ll watch the AOTC part when I have time.