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Post #1587525

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(The Mandalorian+BoBF) The Way of Mandalore | A New Mandalore Movie Saga (Final Update in Progress)
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Date created
25-Apr-2024, 3:14 PM

Darth Sadifous said:

I like what you are doing with Boba, trying to integrate him into season three. The audio exchange isn’t completely there yet, but I definetly see what you are going for. I think less may be more. It seems a little too wordy as I know you are trying to sell the new plot through dialogue and insert in some legend’s material. Also, I would let the subtitles for the mando language stay on screen for slighly longer, they are a bit abrupt.

“Sorry, I can’t join you (just) yet. The Hutts are (already) showing interest in my territory. But I will be there when you need me.”

"Check again for a ping from Skywalker('s acedemy on Ossus).

I was thinking the same thing actually, no need for some of those words and phrases.

Acbagel, I feel like I remember seeing this somewhere, but have you already/do you plan on integrating Mando’a into your earlier movies? I can imagine it being pretty jarring otherwise, especially for someone like Boba to speak it since he hasn’t typically lived alongside Mandalorians.