It might be interesting to extend the scene of Tarkin learning the situation on Dantooine. It would start with the darkened conference table and a voice coming through from the orb at the center. The Emperor warns Tarkin that the destruction of Alderaan could drive more support to the Rebellion, but Tarkin assures him that they now have the location of the Rebel base. The transmission ends and they receiver word that Dantooine is a bust, leading Tarkin to call for Leia’s execution.
I was thinking the same exact thing. It has to be before Leia is brought to the deck to watch her planet explode.
Hiding the Emperor’s face until The Empire Strikes Back does nothing, because we see his face in the Kenobi series talking to Vader. It’s weird we don’t see Yoda or the Emperor in A New Hope.
I wish they could get Jimmy Smits to film that scene on Alderaan as it explodes. He witnesses the green laser striking his planet and we see the ground crumble and move like an ocean wave across the planet and a scared and concerned look on his face and the planet starts to explode.
After seeing the Obi-wan Kenobi series, to see Alderaan explode from on the planet’s surface would make me feel so very sorry for Princess Leia.
Watching the original, you don’t really have that connection as Leia does. They should film that scene at least, before he gets too old or retires.
I want to see Alderaan from Bail Organa’s point of view as he sees the Death Star come into view. He knows what’s coming after the events on Jedha and Scarif. We see a tear rolling down his face, and then the green laser hits and then nothing’s left.