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Post #1582880

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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1
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Date created
20-Mar-2024, 12:51 PM

Hi everyone! This is a pure appreciation post (with one tiny question), I was there at the very first release and it was impressive and years later the sum of work from you Harmy, and the literal army of people working on restoring these classic is truly amazing. Congratulations everyone, they’re beauties and ROTJ 3.1 looks like it was shot yesterday. This is dedication at its best. Now for the tiny question: Why do you keep ROTJ 2.7 now that 3.1 is out? Is it because 2.7 was the last “classically made” despecialize and 3.1 is from a scan? Thanks and keep up the great work!