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Post #1582495

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Kenobi: Trials Of The Master - Fanedit by PixelJoker95
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Date created
18-Mar-2024, 3:58 AM

Jedi122 said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

But from what I can tell Obi-Wan learns Vader still lives in the cantina instead of Reva telling him.

That comes from the epilogue to Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader. It’s one change I don’t mind, actually.

For me, this is something I am not a fan of and I think the show honestly handled better than the EU. The idea that Vader is a known public entity, honestly I found stupid. Vader should only be known to the top brass and generals on either side. I saw some comic where the Empire was literally putting him as a public propaganda face in holograms and such. I just don’t think it makes sense. He’s a hand of the Emperor who handles special assignments. Not just an Imperial. I think at the very most, he’d be in whispers of fearful soldiers who might have heard horror stories of a black armored, red lightsaber wielding wizard. To me that is more powerful than the Empire parading him around.

But, I know a lot of EU fans prefer that depiction, so hey, more power to them