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Post #1582452

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Info: How many Disney 35mm scans exist?
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Date created
17-Mar-2024, 6:45 PM

Charles Threepio said:

CMGF said:

If Disney would ever treat Mary Poppins the same way they treat Song of the South, it would be nothing but a cultural crime. Enough is enough. You can’t just take every classic and look for the crazy reasons to label it as “wrong” - sometimes you just need to enjoy the movie and shut your mouth up, because there is what to enjoy, especially when it comes to masterpieces like this. Getting offended is a decision.

Back to Song of the South - if you are really that sensitive to take offense from a movie about a nice, clever and positively-portrayed black man telling folklore tales to children of both races and encouraging their friendship - just don’t watch, instead of telling people that they shouldn’t even be ABLE to view it.
But, Oh man… you need to work on yourself a bit.

Hear, hear!
