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Post #1581381

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GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // & HOTD [Community Thread]
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Date created
9-Mar-2024, 9:01 PM

Update(s) - Subtitles, Film VIII fixes and Film IX


All the films now have subtitles - in English, including Film IX. This has been requested for years and now I’ve powered through it. I hope it’s worth it.


  • has had some updates, including reported noise issues at certain scenes. I was not able to reproduce the issue, so it must come down to a bad render. Anyway, scenes should now be crisp and clear and it looks better than ever. I also fixed three reported “annoyances” (two harsh cuts, and actors changing posture too quickly etc) as well as a new musical cue for Euron Greyjoy. Also some new, subtle, musical weight to two key scenes I felt were too flat on a rewatch - mainly King’s Landing stuff.

Film IX

Is now released. I can’t put down in words how… complicated, these last two films are (IX and X), so I won’t even attempt a changelist. But the goal here is to conclude the series/films with a dark, satisfying, non-cringey big bang, and Film IX is the beginning of the end for just that.

The characters of Tyrion and Jon, as well as the flow of dialogue and removal of “teleportation”, has been of fundamental importance. So has the White Walker and Bran storylines.