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Post #1580375

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Smudger9's Bad Batch Movie Series [EP1 & EP2 RELEASED; EP3 WIP]
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Date created
1-Mar-2024, 3:34 PM

A big update on this project. I now have a first cut of Episode 2. It has an even 3-act structure and is clocking in at 2h42, which I’m really happy with. As I refine the cut this will come down further and should end up around 2h35.

The working title is “Army of the Empire”. I’m not totally happy with the title and am open to suggestions.

If anyone fancies watching the first cut then I’m happy for input. It’ll be a low res video with centre channel (completely music free)… it’s actually a cool experience to watch it without any music.

Here is the current breakdown:

Act 1 (57 mins)

  • Logos, opening crawl & pan to planet
  • EP1: Opening scene with the Batch on a mission for Cid. I have cut Omega jumping off the Marauder, she stays dangling from the line.
  • EP7: Opening scene of Cade and Slip in the bar discussing the destruction of Kamino. Cade is shot by a sniper and Slip escapes.
  • EP1: Marauder in hyperspace. Echo talks to Hunter about doing more to help clones. Cut reference to Dooku’s fortune. This scene sets up Echo separating from the Batch at the end of act 1.
  • EP7: First senate scene discussing the defence recruitment bill. Rampart and Mac Amedda discuss the events on Kamino.
  • EP1: The Batch return to Cid’s bar with the haul. The Batch meet Phee. The mission to scavenge Dock’s fortune is discussed but Hunter doesn’t agree to the mission.
  • EP7: Chucci discusses her demands for the clones with Rampart.
  • EP7: Clip of Slip on the run.
  • EP7: Chucci meets with Organa and she discusses her clone contact with information about the destruction of Kamino.
  • EP7: Rampart gives the order to assassinate Chucci.
  • EP7: Chucci & guards v Assassin. Rex kills the assassin.
  • EP5: Wrecker and Omega trawl through a scrap yard looking for a compressor. Phee tells a tale to the patrons in Cid’s bar. Omega & Wrecker return and Phee notices the treasure map. The Batch agree to join her on a hunt. AI line from Phee telling the Batch to wait for her to contact them.
  • EP7: Rex Interrogates the assassin.
  • EP8: Batch wait aboard the Marauder. Cut Omega’s references to Gungi. Echo contacts the Batch asking for help. Change Wrecker “I’m tired of waiting for Cid” to “I’m tired of waiting for Phee”. The Batch agree to go to Coruscant.
  • EP3: Crosshair woken by an alarm. He is summoned to Ramparts office and given a mission. Cut specific references to the mission and Cody’s clone number.
  • EP8: The Batch arrive on Coruscant and meet Rex. They discuss getting to Rampart’s Ventor.
  • EP12: Crosshair meets his mission commander and they depart Coruscant.
  • EP8: Cucchi discusses her plan with Organa and he tells her to contact Burtoni.
  • EP8: The Batch retrieve the data from the Venator - the shipyard infiltration sequence has been edited to shorten it.
  • EP8: The Batch get the data to the senate and Rampart is exposed. The emperor appears and introduces the stormtrooper program.
  • EP11: Hemlock arrives on Tantiss. The assets now refer to clone troopers rather than the Zillos. Hemlock threatens Taun We in her cell.
  • EP8: Echo and the Batch got their separate ways.

Act 2: (62 mins)

  • EP12: Crosshair’s shuttle exits hyperspace. They land on tBarton IV and meet the clones troopers stationed at the base. Insurgents attack the base. Crosshair and Mayday pursue them into the caves.
  • EP13: The Batch and Phee negotiate over the artefact. They grab it and escape.
  • EP12: Crosshair and Mayday continue their pursuit of the insurgents. The pressure mine sequence has been cut. They discover the base and attack. They cause an avalanche and are buried. Crosshair emerges and rescues Mayday who is injured.
  • EP13: Batch and Phee in hyperspace. Cid contacts them due to their absence. Cut Phee’s references to cutting ties with Cid (they turn up at Cid’s in act 3) but keep the rest of the scene.
  • EP11: Lama Su arrives on Tantiss.
  • EP12: Crossshair hauls Mayday slowly back to the base. Nolan refuses to help Mayday. Crosshair kills Nolan.
  • EP13: The batch arrive on Pabu.
  • EP12: Crosshair wakes up in a cell on Tantiss.
  • EP13: The Batch are given a tour of Pabu by Phee.
  • EP14: Clone troopers are ushered aboard a transport. The transport enters orbit and is attacked by Echo & crew who disable it and rescue the clones before escaping.
  • EP13: The Batch Enjoy dinner on Pabu. Omega views the sunset from a boat.
  • EP14: Echo delivers the clones to Chucci on Coruscant. Echo departs to contact the Batch about the data he collected from the Imperial ship.
  • EP14: Hemlock Interrogates Crosshair.
  • EP14: Echo Arrives on Pabu. Part of Omega’s flying lesson is cut.
  • EP14: Crosshair’s failed escape attempt.
  • EP14: The Batch decrypt the Imperial data.
  • EP14: Train and Hemlock discuss the attack on the Imperial shuttle and the Summit.
  • EP15: Echo finds out about the summit.
  • EP14: Hemlock again interrogates Crosshair.
  • EP15: The Batch leave Pabu

Act 3: (42mins)

  • The Remainder of EP15 and all of EP16 play out with minor trimming.