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Slipstream 1989 (WIP) — Page 8


It’s my holy grail film, ever since it came out.
I still think that AR is wrong, I would love to know the source on it


dvdmike said:

It’s my holy grail film, ever since it came out.
I still think that AR is wrong, I would love to know the source on it

Not that IMDb doesn’t ever have wrong information, but they list it as 1.85:1


When you start talking about aspect ratios, you get into a tangled web. You hear stuff like WELL, THE DIRECTOR INTENDED IT TO BE _______________. And it’ll be an old film and the director has passed away and can’t confirm that’s correct. It can sometime seem like idle gossip: WELL, I HEARD…
I read an article a few years back that talked about that.

Invasion of the Aspect Ratios

You really get into the artistic and aesthetic look of a movie seeing it in a wider scope. “Artistic vision”. When I watch a movie I want to immerse myself in that world. I want as much information about that world as I can get. That includes seeing as much of that world as possible. I run across a lot of old DVDs that have “open matte” versions of the films. Not pan and scan, but open matte. Yes, I understand that the director intended that image to be matted for presentation in theaters (or home theaters), but I can’t help it. Some might say, OPEN MATTE?! SACRILIDGE! Not me. I just want to see as much as I can see. For me, I feel sometimes like the director can ruin their own movie. Going back and changing things again and again and again. Yes, I’m talking to you, George Lucas. How many times are you going to change the sound that Obi Wan makes in New Hope to scare off the Sand People?


Anyway, I just thought I’d pipe in and share my thoughts. Yeah, I know - no one asked! 😃


drsyn71 said:

dvdmike said:

It’s my holy grail film, ever since it came out.
I still think that AR is wrong, I would love to know the source on it

Not that IMDb doesn’t ever have wrong information, but they list it as 1.85:1


When you start talking about aspect ratios, you get into a tangled web. You hear stuff like WELL, THE DIRECTOR INTENDED IT TO BE _______________. And it’ll be an old film and the director has passed away and can’t confirm that’s correct. It can sometime seem like idle gossip: WELL, I HEARD…
I read an article a few years back that talked about that.

Invasion of the Aspect Ratios

You really get into the artistic and aesthetic look of a movie seeing it in a wider scope. “Artistic vision”. When I watch a movie I want to immerse myself in that world. I want as much information about that world as I can get. That includes seeing as much of that world as possible. I run across a lot of old DVDs that have “open matte” versions of the films. Not pan and scan, but open matte. Yes, I understand that the director intended that image to be matted for presentation in theaters (or home theaters), but I can’t help it. Some might say, OPEN MATTE?! SACRILIDGE! Not me. I just want to see as much as I can see. For me, I feel sometimes like the director can ruin their own movie. Going back and changing things again and again and again. Yes, I’m talking to you, George Lucas. How many times are you going to change the sound that Obi Wan makes in New Hope to scare off the Sand People?


Anyway, I just thought I’d pipe in and share my thoughts. Yeah, I know - no one asked! 😃

If it has the same framing as the LD then the trailer is miles different in its framing


I just noticed that YouTube has it available to buy or rent in HD. The preview clip appears remastered and is in widescreen 1080p.


Don’t usually buy movies digitally, but for Slipstream I’d make the exception.


stretch009 said:

Stepstone said:

I just noticed that YouTube has it available to buy or rent in HD. The preview clip appears remastered and is in widescreen 1080p.


Don’t usually buy movies digitally, but for Slipstream I’d make the exception.

It’s saying for me “This video is not available”

I’m in the UK. Just clicked buy and it took me to payment.
[Edit] Just went ahead and bought it. It is indeed Widescreen 1080p. Never thought I’d see the day. Saw it in the cinema as a young teenager, can’t believe it taken this long to see a decent copy of it again.
Hopefully this means there’s a Blu-ray on the way, or even better, a 4K 🤣.


Yes just purchased this from Amazon Prime/UK and just watched it… not only is it in HD but also WIDESCREEN and it looks great! Weird thing it’s really cheap in price for the HD! But I am not complaining 😃

I will do a few screen grabs…


Here you go… I can detect minor little fades between some shots but it’s not noticeable when watching, and after waiting this long for its release not that picky!








Awesome! And I can see film grain. That’s good. You never know if some genius (sarcasm) decided to hit it with DNR and release what I call the “scrubbing bubbles” and scrub away all the grain and fine detail. I’ve seen far too many transfers and “restorations” that do that. I’m hopeful we’ll get a nice physical release of this.


drsyn71 said:

Awesome! And I can see film grain. That’s good. You never know if some genius (sarcasm) decided to hit it with DNR and release what I call the “scrubbing bubbles” and scrub away all the grain and fine detail. I’ve seen far too many transfers and “restorations” that do that. I’m hopeful we’ll get a nice physical release of this.

Maybe we’ll get a nice shiny extras packed 4K this year for it’s 45th anniversary 😅.
A small label Blu-ray would be enough for me at this point.


Maybe we’ll get a nice shiny extras packed 4K this year for it’s 45th anniversary 😅.
A small label Blu-ray would be enough for me at this point.

Agreed. I’m hoping for an audio commentary with director Steven Lisberger and Mark Hamill as well as the vintage 25 minute making-of and the theatrical trailer. But we’ll take what we can get at this point.


drsyn71 said:

Maybe we’ll get a nice shiny extras packed 4K this year for it’s 45th anniversary 😅.
A small label Blu-ray would be enough for me at this point.

I’m hoping for an audio commentary with director Steven Lisberger and Mark Hamill as well as the vintage 25 minute making-of and the theatrical trailer.

Same here. It’s good to dream 😃


I am not sure about this, but I think it’s a UK company that owns the movie so it’s probably cheaper to put it streaming in the UK. And if it makes enough sales it would then publish/stream it in the US.

… but anyway all I can say is I awoke this morning and noticed the message ‘Slipstream HD and widescreen’ all in the same sentence and still thought I was dreaming!!!


grafxuser said:

I am not sure about this, but I think it’s a UK company that owns the movie so it’s probably cheaper to put it streaming in the UK. And if it makes enough sales it would then publish/stream it in the US.

… but anyway all I can say is I awoke this morning and noticed the message ‘Slipstream HD and widescreen’ all in the same sentence and still thought I was dreaming!!!

I know! It IS pretty cool! Who’d have thought Slipstream would see some love like this. Yes, I think if the numbers/sales/streams of it are good in the UK, it will lead to other countries and other formats. There are SO many repeated clickbait internet articles of how physical media is dead. I see far too much evidence to the contrary. Maybe the big movie studios are wanting to bail on physical media, but there are great 4K/Blu-Ray “niche” labels out there. Arrow, Vinegar Syndrome, Cauldron, Terror Vision, Synapse, Blue Underground, Kino Lorber could put out a nice Slipstream 4K/Blu. I see all of those labels releasing WAY more weird and/or obscure titles all the time, so I never say never.


So talking about a physical release of Slipstream, I would even be happy will a Mill Creek Blu-Ray. Now hear me out. Mill Creek gets a bad rap a lot of times. But I actually LIKE and APPRECIATE Mill Creek. They basically release the material they are given. So whatever condition any HD master is in, is what we get. They do NO restoration themselves. Now I WILL say that it IS annoying that they skimp sometimes and put multiple movies on 1 disc or a couple of TV episodes too many per disc to save space. Sometimes they will only do a stereo audio track when there WAS a 5.1 track on a previous release on another label. But Mill Creek releases a lot of stuff that no one will. If Mill Creek was iffy about whether to release Slipstream on blu-ray for fear of poor sales, they could do a Mark Hamill double or triple feature. Release Slipstream with TIME RUNNER and/or BLACK MAGIC WOMAN. Those two movies I don’t even think got a DVD release. Enough of my two cents. I’ll stop rattling on now.


I have just watched it on my projector and genuinely have to admit that the HD and widescreen make an obvious big difference. So now you can finally watch the movie and give complete concentration on the scenes and plot… and would even say it’s not actually that bad a movie. It even deserves an extra star or more on its ratings. It’s not perfect by any means but I think everyone will find it a much more enjoyable watch now.

The cave sets look particularly really well made - now that you can see the full detail in wide shots and close-ups. Plus notice the placement of other main characters in the background of shots that you may never have been aware of before. Let’s hope you don’t have long to wait in the US.


grafxuser said:

It’s not perfect by any means but I think everyone will find it much more enjoyable now.

Except for those of us that can’t obtain it, which is probably the majority of us.


stretch009 said:

grafxuser said:

It’s not perfect by any means but I think everyone will find it much more enjoyable now.

Except for those of us that can’t obtain it, which is probably the majority of us.

Does a VPN not help in this type of situation? Or is there still an issue making payment using VPN?


Stepstone said:

stretch009 said:

grafxuser said:

It’s not perfect by any means but I think everyone will find it much more enjoyable now.

Except for those of us that can’t obtain it, which is probably the majority of us.

Does a VPN not help in this type of situation? Or is there still an issue making payment using VPN?

My VPN worked set to UK - Manchester. All payment options had to show I’m from the UK and alas I’m not.


Out of interest has this new HD release been advertised anywhere, or just popped up as an extra purchase option out of the blue?


grafxuser said:

Out of interest has this new HD release been advertised anywhere, or just popped up as an extra purchase option out of the blue?

Only in the UK AFAIK. It seems Entertainment Film Distributors (who are still around) are the main producer and current rights holder for everywhere but the US. Slipstream did get an extremely limited theatrical run here by a small distributor that not only went belly up not long after release, but also allegedly did not file a proper copyright and thus went PD shortly afterwards.


Spaceblackknight said:

grafxuser said:

Out of interest has this new HD release been advertised anywhere, or just popped up as an extra purchase option out of the blue?

Only in the UK AFAIK. It seems Entertainment Film Distributors (who are still around) are the main producer and current rights holder for everywhere but the US. Slipstream did get an extremely limited theatrical run here by a small distributor that not only went belly up not long after release, but also allegedly did not file a proper copyright and thus went PD shortly afterwards.

Ah-hah! Well that explains why I saw it end up on so many cheapie DVDs.


Spaceblackknight said:

grafxuser said:

Out of interest has this new HD release been advertised anywhere, or just popped up as an extra purchase option out of the blue?

Only in the UK AFAIK. It seems Entertainment Film Distributors (who are still around) are the main producer and current rights holder for everywhere but the US. Slipstream did get an extremely limited theatrical run here by a small distributor that not only went belly up not long after release, but also allegedly did not file a proper copyright and thus went PD shortly afterwards.

Didn’t Entertainment Film have a successful run on VHS and dvd releases as EIV, Entertainment In Video, with the almost the
same logo.