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Post #1579944

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Amadeus - Theatrical Cut Restoration 1080p (V3 Now Available)
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Date created
26-Feb-2024, 5:56 PM

lotatens said:

How does this edit compare to TM2YC’s Amadeus edit? He published it in 2017 and gave the following reasons for making it back then:

[jimbotron235’s] version seems to have frames and partial shots missing, at least one entire shot missing (which might, or might not be on purpose), one shot missing (on purpose because it says in the cutlist) and replaces whole shots when only parts needed replacing. Also some of the shot overlays are noticeable to me and the Orion logo at the start is a later one (but only nerds like me would spot that difference 😄 ). It’s very small stuff to be sure.

So because it’s not that time consuming to do, I decided to make my own “frame accurate” version. I also wanted to include the commentary track (in an edited form).

That comment from 2017 relates to what was in V2. V3 is closer to being frame accurate and uses a different Orion logo, hopefully more accurate. I’ve not seen this other cut, so I’m not sure what other differences there are. But if his version is frame accurate, then the major difference will be in a single shot that was truncated in the director’s cut which I chose to keep rather than swapping in the DVD shot, the first shot of the Salieri/Constanza scene. Other than that, the differences add up since for whatever reason the director’s cut lops single frames off the start and end of shots all throughout the movie, so a 1:1 sync to the original theatrical cut is a bit of a nightmare.

Unless he’s added it since, the other main difference is that my version includes laserdisc audio options in addition to the DVD 5.1 mix.