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Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles) — Page 94


haru KI do said:

All right. I’ll give it a try.
The 2006 Bonus DVD and the Japanese subtitles translated by Kanji Hayashi on the 2020 Blu-ray can be used together for optimal subtitling.

Thanks! There’s a lot in the queue for the next version of Project Threepio, so no need to rush.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Hi CatBus,

could I have a dl link for Project Threepio v14? as someone with an audio processing disorder this is perfect!


Project files have been updated to version 15.0 (codename: “Rohini”), and the first post has been updated. Please PM me for temporary download links until the files/ are available at some more permanent locations.

Rough summary of changes from 14.0 to 15.0:

  • Added new machine-translated languages: Hindi, Urdu, Swahili, Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Albanian, and Georgian, including titles-only subtitles to accompany dubs and voiceovers, wherever applicable
  • The synchronization script supports more targets: 35mm Guerre Stellari Italian Preview, ESB 35mm German Print Grindhouse, ESB Super-8 Scope, ESB Fuji 2 Preview, and the ESB and ROTJ 70mm grindhouse releases (thanks to hot noodles). Popular print scans that don’t require any special synchronization are now mentioned by name in the compatibility guide.
  • The synchronization script now supports changing PGS subtitles from one aspect ratio to another (repositioning within the frame). When synchronizing to pre-defined targets, this conversion is automatic.
  • For preservations available both with and without a brief intro clip, the synchronization script now targets the version without the intro clip, and the sync offset for the version with the intro clip is included in readme.html
  • Added Tajik titles-only subtitles (machine-translated), to accompany Persian dubs
  • Improved Dutch subtitles for ESB (thanks to frater)

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Hello CatBus, could I please get a link to v15 download? I’m not aware of where the permanent download locations are, and can’t find anything newer than v11. Thanks!


Hi CatBus!
Could you send me a download link to German and English v15 Rohini subs please? Would be great.
Thanks in advance and for all of your work!


Hey, Catbus, I was interested to get a download for the Spaniard and Castilian Spanish subtitles of the OT, if possible. I’ve always been curious to know what differences were made by each region for Star Wars, Empire and Return. Thanks in advance!


Thrashlark said:

Hey, Catbus, I was interested to get a download for the Spaniard and Castilian Spanish subtitles of the OT, if possible. I’ve always been curious to know what differences were made by each region for Star Wars, Empire and Return. Thanks in advance!

PM sent, but keep in mind: Project Threepio’s subtitles are not necessarily the same as any official translations (subtitled or dubbed) for any language. They often start out the same as the official translations, but users contribute improved translations to Project Threepio all the time. The goal is that they eventually become the best modern translations of the spoken English dialogue, rather than something with quirks from the time and place they were first translated.

All of this is especially true for Spanish. We have had some active Spanish contributors over the years.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Oh, that makes sense. Definitely an interesting approach, especially since fans of each region were given a slightly different Star Wars translation officially, and that would affect how certain elements or characters are called. (The most immediate difference I can think of is how in Spain, R2D2 is called his original name, but in the Castellano voice-over, he’s called Arturito, a corruption of his name being spoken out loud.)

Speaking of said corruption, I’m guessing the name of the project comes from 3PO being said out loud, as well?


Thrashlark said:

Speaking of said corruption, I’m guessing the name of the project comes from 3PO being said out loud, as well?

If you check the English credits for Star Wars, R2-D2 is actually spelled out as “Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)”, and C-3PO is “See Threepio (C3PO)”. At least to me, Artoo and Threepio still work fine as nicknames, but spelling out their full two-word names like that is pretty awkward.

But yes, the project is named after C-3PO, because he was also known to be fluent in a few languages.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Hello CatBus, could I please get a link for v15 ?

Also, I downloaded the 4k77 1.4 no DNR version (Star Wars - Episode IV), and while it has Project Threepio subtitles (I am not sure which version it is), I noticed one translation which I am not sure is the best one.

When Vader is on his TIE fighter, chasing Luke’s X-Wing, he says:

01:52:53,842 --> 01:52:56,178
The Force is strong with this one.

which was translated to this in Brazilian Portuguese:

01:52:53,842 --> 01:52:56,178
A Força nesta nave é forte.

This is the same translation which we can find on Disney+ as well.

This translation literally means “The Force in this ship is strong” (meaning the X-Wing fighter ship).

For example, in the subtitles for Portuguese from Portugal, it was translated to:

01:52:53,842 --> 01:52:56,178
A Força é poderosa neste.

which is way better, as “neste” better implies the person piloting the X-Wing, not the X-Wing itself.

One additional evidence is the translation to Italian, which is:

01:52:53,842 --> 01:52:56,178
La Forza è forte in lui.

In italian, “lui” is a personal masculine pronoun, as in “he” (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/italian-english/lui)

So, maybe for a more natural Brazilian Portuguese translation, the translation could be:

01:52:53,842 --> 01:52:56,178
A Força é poderosa com este.

Thanks a lot ! Best regards for you and all the team !


PM sent, and thanks! That change has been made and will be in the next release (which likely won’t be for a while).

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Hey CatBus, the version I found online (v12) doesn’t have the PGS files… any chance I can grab a link?



I’m doing a complete overhaul for my subs so stay tuned… 😃
But I found a weird problem. It seems that sub tracks have different timing when used in mpv vs. MPC. I can’t play SW 4K smoothly on MPC so I’ve always had to use mpv, also when re-adjusting the timings. There seems to be 2 frame difference between the players. That’s pretty weird, does anyone know the reason?

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


LexX said:

I’m doing a complete overhaul for my subs so stay tuned… 😃
But I found a weird problem. It seems that sub tracks have different timing when used in mpv vs. MPC. I can’t play SW 4K smoothly on MPC so I’ve always had to use mpv, also when re-adjusting the timings. There seems to be 2 frame difference between the players. That’s pretty weird, does anyone know the reason?

I know PGS subtitles can be off by a frame from what you intend because the internal timecodes use 24.000fps, even for 23.976 subtitles, and rounding issues can potentially send a subtitle to one frame or another. Presumably since PGS is more like the native subtitle format and even it has issues, text-based subtitles could potentially have even more due to the extra conversion. And, of course, there are just plain errors. For most people, if the subtitle is off by two frames, nobody would even report the bug, let alone fix it.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


CatBus said:

LexX said:

I’m doing a complete overhaul for my subs so stay tuned… 😃
But I found a weird problem. It seems that sub tracks have different timing when used in mpv vs. MPC. I can’t play SW 4K smoothly on MPC so I’ve always had to use mpv, also when re-adjusting the timings. There seems to be 2 frame difference between the players. That’s pretty weird, does anyone know the reason?

I know PGS subtitles can be off by a frame from what you intend because the internal timecodes use 24.000fps, even for 23.976 subtitles, and rounding issues can potentially send a subtitle to one frame or another. Presumably since PGS is more like the native subtitle format and even it has issues, text-based subtitles could potentially have even more due to the extra conversion. And, of course, there are just plain errors. For most people, if the subtitle is off by two frames, nobody would even report the bug, let alone fix it.

Yeah, sorry, I meant srt subtitles as I use them to work with. It’s not a big problem but mainly it’s apparent for example during ALTA, beginning of SW logo, and Huttese subs as their sync differs. So not sure what is the “right” timing, MPC, mpv or something else.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


I suspect none of the above. If you can’t count on the native subtitle format to be frame-accurate, I would not trust another format that has to be converted into that native format to be frame-accurate either. So I’d just make sure they never show up early (which IMO is worse than late), and call it good enough.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Hey CatBus, thanks for the work!
Can you send me the v15 link?


CatBus said:

PM sent.

Hi! im looking on the link the subs and cant find it… can u send me the link please? (im from Chile, spanish is the one i want)
Thank you verty much for all the work!