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Post #1578706

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What changes would you make to the Sequels?
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Date created
17-Feb-2024, 1:15 PM

No Snoke.
Ben Solo is still around but he never fell.
Rey is still important.
There is dark side stuff happening, it’s more the dark side of the force flexing it’s muscle and trying to find someone corruptible.
Han has been hiding Ben for this reason.
7 takes place almost entirely on Jakku, much more cat and mouse and more exposition to all of the characters.
Rey is accidentally found by the First Order and sets off some Dark Side alarms as she is a corruptible candidate that was hidden there. Also sets off some alarms with Leia, who dispatches her husband and son to find her and protect her.
Luke is still hiding.
Han doesn’t know what to do but figures that Luke does. They get the other part of the map and the movie ends with them heading to Achoo. When they get there Luke is already dead, he’s a force ghost and essentially a guardian of the island, the whole dark entity thing that we deal with in E8 is present and force ghost Luke basically is convinced that he’s counterbalancing this and neutralizing it, even in his present state.
E8 would clearly bring Palpy back as the dark side agent, cloning stuff abounds, they’re looking for a corruptible for him to possess. E8 would be about training Rey so that Rey and Ben could vanquish Palpy, I can go with the dyad thing.
E9 would pretty much be a mashup of ending what I posited here and elements of the Colin Treverrow treatment for E9, particularly Finn leading an insurrection.