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Post #1578538

Gandalf the Cyan
Parent topic
The Jedi Purge | The Empire hunting down the Jedi Knights | a general discussion
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Date created
16-Feb-2024, 12:38 AM

Keyan Farlander said:

This feels kind of right:

Exactly this. So many Jedi survived that, if you look at ROTS, Order 66 feels meaningless. It removes any/all of the emotional impact it had in that movie.

Plus, the idea of a Jedi surviving Order 66 has become incredibly cliché to the point that it comes across as lazy writing. It seems as though every Star Wars TV/EU writer thought “a Jedi survives Order 66 story would be cool” without realizing that dozens of other writers had the exact same idea. It’s cheapening too, as it makes the idea of Obi-Wan and Yoda being the last remnants of the Jedi seem dubious. The Obi-Wan show was especially terrible about this, with the existence of an Underground Railroad for Jedi, and there are apparently so many survivors that there just happen to be two survivors on the same remote backwater planet (the other Jedi on Tatooine in Ep1.) It makes you wonder why the survivors didn’t team up to stage a coup to overthrow the Empire or something, since there evidently were enough of them to do so.