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Post #1578303

screams in the void
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The original Marvel Star Wars series
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Date created
14-Feb-2024, 12:24 AM

of_Kaiburr_and_Whills said:

Like many others, I’ve lost so much enthusiasm for Star Wars over the past few years. In an attempt to revive my excitement for the saga, I’ve decided to dive head first into the old Marvel Star Wars series.

I envy you getting to read this series all the way through for the first time and look forward to your further reviews . Great scans by the way ! I think you are in for a real treat . While there were some duds along the way , the series was a hell of a lot of fun and also had some very serious and poignant stories ,especially between TESB and ROTJ , as well as post ROTJ ,with issues like 92 and 86 . Anyway ,as you go along , I think you will find that a lot of these comics fit very well around the OT films . The first time I read the issues between Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back , when I got to watching the scene in Empire when Luke says farewell to Han ,just before the battle of Hoth ,that scene had a lot more resonance for me . Due to the comics filling in the 3 year gap, I really got the sense that these two had a long history of adventures together . It’s also fun seeing the writers come close to adding things that ended up in the later OT films after TESB , going so far as a forest world , small furry aliens on hang gliders , speeder bikes ,and even what basically amounted to a second Death Star ( with some modifications mandated by Lucasfilm ) !