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Post #1578265

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The original Marvel Star Wars series
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Date created
13-Feb-2024, 7:11 PM

Like many others, I’ve lost so much enthusiasm for Star Wars over the past few years. In an attempt to revive my excitement for the saga, I’ve decided to dive head first into the old Marvel Star Wars series.

I had read a few of these stories years ago, but found myself somewhat struggling with the older style they had. However, since then, I’ve read dozens of comics from the golden, silver, and bronze ages, so I’ve become much more accustomed to the writing, art, and formatting.

Why’d I chose these comics to fix my Star Wars slump though? Certainly there are other, much more dramatic and epic Star Wars tales that would be more enthralling, yes? Mainly, I’m looking forward to the feeling of infinite possibility that these stories, like many other Star Wars books and comics of its time, possess. So many Star Wars stories going into the era of modern EU feel so regimented and by-the-numbers. A lot of modern stories also get dreary or overly caught up in lore details.

In short- I want something fun.

Another factor that appeals to me is the fact that many of the earlier issues were created by comics legends Archie Goodwin and Carmine Infantino. I love Infantino’s work on comics like Adam Strange (I know his style changed greatly over time), and I think Goodwin/Williamson’s Star Wars newspaper stint is one of the best Star Wars comic runs. These comics by Marvel obviously aren’t underrated, but I feel they are often overlooked by other EU stories. In reading through them and posting about them here, I hope to contribute to keeping their legacy known- as legitimate further adventures of the Star Wars saga, and not just some weird goofy stories from the 1970/80s that are looked at as only historical curiosity.

Now- finally- I’ll share my thoughts on the stories themselves. Spoilers for 40+ year old comics ahead!


Not a whole lot to say about these first initial issues since- as most everyone is aware- they are an adaptation. I do like having a visualized version of the Tosche Station scene though. Always love seeing Biggs! And hey- like the original cut scene, it’s pretty evident that Luke and Biggs were NOT going into the Imperial Academy! (Why go into the Imperial Academy and FEAR being drafted by the Empire???)

ISSUES 7-10: Saga of the Starhoppers

This next arc finds Han and Chewie down on their luck seeking cash and finding themselves getting more than they bargained for! Magnificent Seven/Seven Samurai is a plot that’s been done so often in Star Wars media now, but these comics were the first to do it- and do it right. (I liked the TCW episode they did as an homage too.)

I really like seeing Han take on a leadership role for a bunch of misfit pyshcos. I got some big Guardians of the Galaxy/Suicide Squad vibes. Also, the giant monster from issues 9-10 is crazy fun. Pure chaos- I love it. Later EU retconned this beast to being the creation of some Sith Lord- LAME! It’s just a giant green lizard monster and that’s all it needs to be. As I alluded to above, that’s one thing I love about this series. Not everything is connected to some major faction/facet of the saga. It’s a big galaxy out there!

Other small details I thought worth pointing out: First, I like the insectoid priest in #7. Not only is he a holy person, but he can fight. Also, if I’m not mistaken, issue 10 features the first time Han uses a lightsaber!

And how could I forget the elephant- er, giant rabbit- in the room! Jaxxon, despite having one of the poorest designs for an alien species in Star Wars- is actually pretty cool. He is great in a fight and has quite the attitude. Also, if his appearance is too off-putting for you, think of it like this: Jaxxon is not actually a big green rabbit- that’s just the only way Han knew how to describe his look to Luke when recounting the adventure later on. “Well, y’see he had short greenish fur covering his body. He also had whiskers and big ear-looking things- like a rabbit! It was the wildest thing Luke.” “A giant rabbit, Han? Are you sure you weren’t on spice?”

That’s all I have to say for these comics so far. I’ve been trying to read an issue every day or so as I slowly accumulate the collected paperbacks. I’ll have more to report soon enough!