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Post #1577086

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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1
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Date created
5-Feb-2024, 6:51 AM

BewvliesMovies said:

Harmy said:

I know you’re just trolling but you’re still wrong. In film restorations, it’s normal to use scans of multiple prints where the best copy has been damaged or destroyed, which is basically what I did here - using a scan of the original negative and replacing damaged parts with scans of other prints. 😄

Weren’t you using disc based video first instead of film scans? Laserdisc, DVD, Blu-ray disc, and 4K disc? No film prints? Still considering this to be a fan edit.
Heavily prefer the 4K77, 4K80, and 4K83 projects compared to this one.

He used the laserdiscs out of necessity because they were the only sources available for the original versions at the time. Neither Harmy or anyone else had access to high quality 4K film scans of the OT at the time, the idea of using 35mm scans for the entire movies was quite inconceivable. You can prefer the straight film scans and thats fine but don’t disregard Harmy’s work as a simple fan edit, what Harmy said about using a scan of the original negative and replacing damaged parts with scans of other prints is completely right and an admirable goal.