Thank you for all your work over the years on these. Always an invaluable reference.
Further thoughts:
TDE22.053879-Bee Recomp.png
Brightening this up reveals that they selectively colorgraded the workbee’s cargo to be grey rather than it’s original tan. (there’s a lot of selective coloring throughout, so I don’t know if you necessarily want to mention it, but it is a change that’s part of the recomp).
TDE22.074432-Shuttle Dock.png, TDE22.075171-Shuttle Leave.png
I might note the new layers they add to this recomp:
There’s a new red light layer over the nacelles. I am very confused on what this is meant to represent (light casting on them from inside the window?) but it looks intentional. The “warp sled” of Spock’s vessel is matted differently and has lost the steady running light on it (though the blinking lights are still present). There is also a new element meant to represent a reflection on the Enterprise’s window (it’s in front of the warp sled).
This is a recomp. (Hard to tell because of how dark they made it, but if you brighten it up, you can see the differences in how the the dry dock is aligned + the starfield is different).