The Hobbit an unexpected journey (Crossfader edit)
There is so much to love about these movies but I always felt they were incredibly bloated, I wanted to trim the fat to mostly the book stuff but also including some of the Gandalf side quest and a few other non book scenes that actually worked in the movies.
I Wanted to give it a more linear tone the movies seemed to go from very slapstick to complete violence blood and gore, I removed a lot of the bad CG stuff the really ridiculous blood and gore stuff like cutting trolls in half for comic relief and also the childish slapstick humour!
the aim is to keep it as a trilogy but also give the movies a more linear tone similar to the lord of the rings.
- Trimmed the flashback to bag end.
- Removed the song and trimmed the party dialogue.
- Removed the scene ‘I’m going on an adventure’ instead we go from bilbo looking at the contract to him catching up with the dwarves.
- Removed the moth breathing scene
- Removed the orc spies
- Trimmed the rain scene with no mention of the other wizards
- Troll scene remains the same
- Removed the orcs and Radagast scene’s completely
- Transition from bilbo holding sting for the first time to the narrow valley into Rivendell
- Kept the ‘it feels like magic’ scene
- Trimmed the dinner in Rivendell scene with no mention of orcs only trolls.
- Removed azog on weathertop
- Removed Galadriel and Saruman scene.
- Thorin overhears Gandalf talking to Elrond about the fall of hes grandfather thror , dwarves tgen leave without Gandalf
- Kept the stone giants
- Shortened the fall when the dwarves fall into the goblin dungeon
- Trimmed dialogue in the goblin tunnels removed any reference to an alliance with azog
- Trimmed the battle, no goblin king landing on the dwarves
- Riddles in the dark with Gollum has not been changed at all
- Re arranged scenes in the final battle so that dori and Nori are not hanging on Gandalf’s staff for what seemed like ages! I’m sorry but no one could hold on for that long .
1080 full HD, AC3 5.1 channels