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Post #1574278

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'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread
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Date created
18-Jan-2024, 5:10 AM

Jeff Sneider dropped a new report where he says the following:

-Daisy is getting paid $12 million for her new movie.
-Chinoy and Knight are both still on board and everything is fine.
-Levy’s movie also features Rey but it’s not on the schedule yet.
-Right now he’s thinking the schedule is Mando&Grogu in May 2026, Chinoy’s movie in December 2026, Mangold’s movie in December 2027, and finally, Filoni’s movie some time in 2028.
-They’re trying to get other TFA actors back for Chinoy and/or Levy (and they may possibly get paid roughly the same as Daisy).