Seek to be beyond victimhood and you will find strength and wisdom, be a victim and you will find only pain.
In the words of Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy during these dark times in Star Wars:
I’m not a trained film maker, just an activist and we’re in 2024, and it is time we had a woman come and shape the story of Star Wars and I enjoy making men feel uncomfortable, and I enjoy that power.
Boy, it sounds like she’s about to make quite the impact on Star Wars!
Now, I hope her heart and mind is at the right place on this endevaour, because she has fire and passion! It just seems to… be… targeted at… men? That’s unfortunate, especially if you look at the suicide ratio in men. They could really need to feel included as well.
Nothing would please me more then a good Star Wars movie! Let’s hope she crafts something wonderful, with strong male and female characters. 😃
Happy new year. And must men and women rule the world together, as they should!