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Post #1571844

Sideburns of BoShek
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What did you think the Clone Wars were gonna be?
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Date created
2-Jan-2024, 2:45 PM

Sorry for the thread bump, but thought I’d post here rather than start a new thread.

I remember thinking the Clone Wars were fought over the ethical and practical applications of clones. That greedy and slave profiteers like the Clone Masters recruited Mandalorians to fight for them and lead their clone fighters, due to their historical fights and dislike of the Jedi. The Mandalorians were basically mercenaries, and were willing to be cloned by the clone masters in return for money, better weapon technology, and a chance to fight with the Clone Armies at their side vs the Jedi and the smaller force of the Republic military.

Jedi were wandering ronins, going around and righting wrongs and injustice. Like in a Kurosawa film, or like King Arthur’s Knights. Far from what we saw in the PT films with the Jedi hierarchy and being close to the Senate but not with the people in The Republic. No ban on attachments, having families and children and so on.

Anakin never knew or met Yoda, just that Yoda once taught Obi-Wan. I remember guessing that The Emperor could be a fallen Jedi, and maybe that is how he turned Anakin, knowing what heartstrings to pull, the Jedi’s strengths, weaknesses, what to prey on to get him see things from his point of view, and turn him to the dark side.

The whole thing would be more mystical feel than we got later in the PT films. More of a “we can’t solve our differences with a lightsaber, but with our knowledge of the force” with characters like Dooku vs Yoda, and not the other way around like we actually saw in the PT.

That Padme suspected Anakin of beginning to turn to the dark side. Maybe even luring and killing Jedi? Betraying them? She already had Luke and Leia. I think that was based on those mid 90’s paintings for the Topps cards.

The Clone masters, or Mandalorians had secretly managed to somehow learn how reprogram droids in The Republic to rebel and kill their Republic masters. Resulting in millions of deaths before these errant droids on the rampage were somehow stopped. And that is why some people are seen not to trust droids, that droids have restraining bolts, or limits placed on them and what they can do.


Edit: there is more on this, and the pre-PT era lore in general, in this new thread:

Pre-PT era lore | an OT & EU scrapbook resource | additional info & sources welcome

and also in Caston’s thread Jedi Purge thread:

The Jedi Purge | The Empire hunting down the Jedi Knights | a general discussion