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Post #1571375

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True Lies 35mm (Released)
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Date created
29-Dec-2023, 12:51 PM

As RU.08 mentioned some year ago this print was “good, not great”. Now that Cameron missed the mark on the new 4K transfer, with the apparent *“I don’t like film grain A.I grain removing tool” we should either rest the case for this preservation and be happy with the 35mm theatrical 1.0 version or find a new print and sort things out. But, that’s easy for me to suggest.

Below is a screenshot from a theatrical trailer 35mm 4K scan made by FT Depot. Considering that a theatrical trailer printed at that time would not necessarily have the same color timing as the fully theatrical release print I feel that the V 1.0 print is way off in colors. But with that said, it wouldn’t be fair to compare a theatrical trailer 35mm scan with a release print. However, I do feel that the film scan (V 1.0) should be looked over.

Theatrical trailer 35mm 4k Scan (TOP) Theatrical release print scan v1.0 (Bottom)

Theatrical trailer 35mm

Theatrical release V 1.0 35mm

  • 4K transfers of original negatives:
    “Optimized by Park Road’s proprietary deep-learning algorithms—to create a new 4K Digital Intermediate. Photochemical grain has been greatly reduced, though not eliminated entirely, and it should be noted that this isn’t the usual Digital Noise Reduction with which people have long been familiar (a dreaded and blunt instrument). Unlike an image scrubbed with DNR, this process hasn’t removed all of the fine image detail. Not only does that detail remain, it too has been “enhanced” algorithmically”