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Post #1570230

21C Peasant
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Star Wars: The Legend of the Solo Twins - Released!
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Date created
20-Dec-2023, 7:54 AM

Hey guys, thanks again for all the interest in this project! As I’ve said before, it was a fun experiment to see if I could make it work. As with most of my fan edits, I was originally just doing it for myself, but in the end, I thought it could at least be inspirational to others.

Anyway, I’ve been hearing that the Snoke identity reference is too hard to pick up. It’s kinda buried because I didn’t want it to be too over the top. I figured it would be better as an Easter Egg, but if you listen closely at 2:00:43, 2:01:08, and 2:05:12 you might pick it up.

So stop here if you want to figure it out for yourself.

The first time, they chant, “Plagueis the Wise.” The next two times, they chant, “Plagueis.”

I have to admit, I was hoping it would have been clearer to people.

Now that you know, you’ll probably hear it every time.