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Post #1562138

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The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)
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Date created
25-Oct-2023, 6:55 AM

Slavicuss said:

My free account with Mega.nz would only allow me to view the first 36 mins of your expanded cut.

I enjoyed what I was viewing a lot.

Some observations:

At the 5:16 mark, there’s a random frame or two that slipped past, during the deleted, extended dialogue between Han and Chewie (“dont lose your temper.”) that needs removal.

At the 23:20 mark, Artoo’s scream (from the Hoth Wampa scene?) carried over Piett’s face and the start of the deleted scene between Luke and Leia (recovering after the bacta tank).

At the 28:04 mark, the deleted scene with Han and Leia could use some work on its geometry - the scene looks vertically stretched (Leia, looks like a conehead).

That’s as far as I got before the “Transfer Quota Exceeded” message popped up to ruin my pleasant viewing experience. Lol. Bummer. Would like to see the rest - if possible?

If you download it using the MEGA app, it should automatically resume when the wait time runs out. I’ve also had some success messing around with VPN’s to get around the wait.

I’d like a link too, by the way.