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Post #1562134

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The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)
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Date created
25-Oct-2023, 6:11 AM

My free account with Mega.nz would only allow me to view the first 36 mins of your expanded cut.

I enjoyed what I was viewing a lot.

Some observations:

At the 5:16 mark, there’s a random frame or two that slipped past, during the deleted, extended dialogue between Han and Chewie (“dont lose your temper.”) that needs removal.

At the 23:20 mark, Artoo’s scream (from the Hoth Wampa scene?) carried over Piett’s face and the start of the deleted scene between Luke and Leia (recovering after the bacta tank).

At the 28:04 mark, the deleted scene with Han and Leia could use some work on its geometry - the scene looks vertically stretched (Leia, looks like a conehead).

That’s as far as I got before the “Transfer Quota Exceeded” message popped up to ruin my pleasant viewing experience. Lol. Bummer. Would like to see the rest - if possible?