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Post #1561455

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Episode 2.5 - Clone Wars
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Date created
21-Oct-2023, 3:20 AM

Cyborgan Le Fay said:

I can’t help but feel like the Battle of Coruscant isn’t nearly long enough to sustain a whole movie.

I actually haven’t seen the Tartakovsky mini-series 💀 I suppose I should do that!

Yeah you’re probably right ! Maybe it could work if it wasn’t actually the whole movie ? For exemple Palpatine wouldn’t be kidnapped until the second act. That would leave the first act open to something else (maybe Anakin and Obi-Wan on a mission on a different planet), then the second act is the capture of Palpatine followed by the big space battle, and the third act is aboard the Invisible Hand. Something like that. I haven’t really thought this through, but I like the Battle of Coruscant sequence and I thought it was a cool idea to extend it to a whole movie (and it would kill two birds with one stone: having a full Obi/Anakin movie and a full Clone Wars movie).

Anyway, I’ve seen the Tartakovsky series praised so many times I have to watch it someday ! It appeals to me more than TCW in terms of animation, and also because it’s shorter !