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The Return of The Living Dead "Original" audio project. (Released) — Page 3


I finally finished my ROTLD DVD project. I've done this on 2 single-layered DVD discs. First disc is just the film, sourced from the Collector's Edition DVD, although I removed the MGM logo at the beginning and end, and replaced the intro logo with the Orion Pictures logo, just as it was originally. Only one audio option: the original theatrical audio, in Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, at 192 kbps. Subtitles in English, French, and Spanish. Disc 2 is the extras, and all the featurettes and stuff are ported over from the Collector's Edition DVD, along with the Concept Art and TV spots from the 2002 DVD release. Also included in disc 2 is a comparison menu (done in the form of an easter egg), showcasing the 5 major scenes that were changed. You can toggle between the theatrical version and the remixed audio.

I'll see about getting it on some torrent sites for all to download. I would like to do a Blu-ray version as well, but my computer isn't exactly HD ready. I'm working on that, slowly but surely...


I just posted a torrent on Demonoid (under the title "Return of the Living Dead (Original Theatrical Edition, 2 discs, Full DVD ISO)"...if it helps, my name on there is the same as my name here) Not sure if we can post torrent links here, but I figured I'd play it safe this way.


I hope you all enjoy this one. I'm also doing something similar for Return of the Living Dead Part II, which had the whole score changed on the DVD (the VHS was unaffected), and to a lesser extent, Part 3 (DVD was the theatrical version, while the VHS and Region 2 DVD release was unrated, with a minute of more footage).


This project sounds alright, but this is just a custom DVD, I really don't care about opening and ending logo's, but I do care to have the Theatrical audio, and all the extras are already easily available, I prefer my custom made\encoded theatrical DTS-HD MA 5.1 Theatrical audio with the Blu-ray picture that I did myself, why go DVD when we have Blu now, who knows.


The Aluminum Falcon said:

dark_jedi said:

here is the link ofr the DD 5.1 file for you guys to take a listen to,


Hopefully, I'll be able to check out that custom DVD, nocomment87. It sounds interesting. Also, I know it's an old post, but, Dark Jedi, does this file sync readily to the newest DVD release or does a delay need to be inputted?

Like I said above, I made it for the Blu-ray, why would anyone want the DVD when we have Blu now, so I don't think it will sync to that.


Very interested in your DTS-HD track if its still available, DJ!


The Griff said:

Very interested in your DTS-HD track if its still available, DJ!

I will have to re upload it, I deleted it a long time ago after all the interest had died down, also I may revisit this and see if I can tweak it even better, I have learned so much in the audio side of things over the past year or so, I will let you know when I dig the files up off my external and re upload.


Would definitely like to see a re-upload.


The UK is getting a Blu-ray release from Second Sight on April 9th. It's a new disc with 3 new extras (but none of the old extras from MGM's release). No word on the transfer itself, but fingers crossed on the original audio, and maybe even a new transfer. At worst, it'll be the same MGM transfer, but a new encode.



second sight have confirmed the inclusion of the original audio track in PCM 2.0


the remix is presented in DTS 5.1

gives my back speakers a rest then

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dark_jedi said:

I will have to re upload it, I deleted it a long time ago after all the interest had died down, also I may revisit this and see if I can tweak it even better, I have learned so much in the audio side of things over the past year or so, I will let you know when I dig the files up off my external and re upload.

I know I’m coming to this party a few years late, but if there’s any hope of this seeing the light of day again, I’d be very eager to get my hands on it. I’d happily help test out any new mixes, if the need were to arise.


Avoid infestation. Rotate.


ron2112 said:

dark_jedi said:

I will have to re upload it, I deleted it a long time ago after all the interest had died down, also I may revisit this and see if I can tweak it even better, I have learned so much in the audio side of things over the past year or so, I will let you know when I dig the files up off my external and re upload.

I know I’m coming to this party a few years late, but if there’s any hope of this seeing the light of day again, I’d be very eager to get my hands on it. I’d happily help test out any new mixes, if the need were to arise.


Unfortunately TeamBlu and Dark_Jedi have all but disappeared from everywhere they used to frequent. So this project is effectively dead. With that said, Scream Factory is releasing their own version of the film this Summer so theirs a good chance the original audio could be restored for that release. The UK also has it’s own version… http://www.amazon.co.uk/Return-Living-Dead-Blu-ray-y/dp/B00GGNQTGY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1456792372&sr=8-1&keywords=Return+of+the+living+dead That includes the original audio as well. The film is region free but the extras are in PAL so depending on your capabilities you could get the best release of the film with a great documentary, or just a great version of the film alone.


Thanks for the info!

Avoid infestation. Rotate.


Sorry Guys to revive this old ass thread lol but I am having 1 hell of a time locating my bit perfect LD rip of this audio, does anyone have on hand a bit perfect PCM rip for Return of The Living Dead they could share?



dark_jedi said:

Sorry Guys to revive this old ass thread lol but I am having 1 hell of a time locating my bit perfect LD rip of this audio, does anyone have on hand a bit perfect PCM rip for Return of The Living Dead they could share?


Buy the Second Sight UK BD and rip the mono PCM yourself. You might as well take the remastered image from the Shout/Scream BD and nevermind.

Blu-ray B United Kingdom - Second Sight
“More Brains! A Return to the Living Dead” documentary (1080p, 119:48)
A Conversation with Dan O’Bannon: The Final Interview (SD, 28:32)
“They Won’t Stay Dead: A Look at Return of the Living Dead Part II” documentary (SD, 28:32)
“Love Beyond the Grave: A Look at Return of the Living Dead 3” featurette (SD, 19:59)
Stacey Q Live! “Tonight” music video (SD)
Deleted Documentary Scenes (SD, 15:08)
“Return of the Living Dead in 3 Minutes” featurette (SD, 02:55)
“Resurrected Settings: The Filming Locations Today” featurette (SD, 09:37)
“The Origins of Return of the Living Dead” featurette (SD, 15:58)
“The FX of The Living Dead” featurette (SD, 21:29)
“Party Time: 45 Grave & the Sound of Return of the Living Dead” featurette (SD, 19:06)
2 Theatrical Trailers (1080p)
Aspect Ratio:
Picture Format:
1080p 24fps AVC MPEG-4
English DTS 5.1 (Altered)
English LPCM 2.0 Stereo (Altered)
English LPCM 2.0 Mono (Unaltered)


I have the UK Second Sight blu-ray and could rip the original mono PCM to my pc and share. Let me know if you still want it.


crampedmisfit1990 said:

I have the UK Second Sight blu-ray and could rip the original mono PCM to my pc and share. Let me know if you still want it.

Dude can just buy the Second Sight UK Blu-ray disc and do it himself.


crampedmisfit1990 said:

I have the UK Second Sight blu-ray and could rip the original mono PCM to my pc and share. Let me know if you still want it.

Hey there do you still have that audio? I am going crazy trying to sync in the vhs original pal audio to my bluray. Much appreciated.

I need store bought cheeseburgers!


It seems everyone abandoned this project, I wonder why?


vasglorious said:

It seems everyone abandoned this project, I wonder why?

Because the original audio has since been re-released, though Shout! Factory’s releases omitted one song (not due to a lack of effort) despite otherwise being original



I still want a fan edit to this movie, I can supply videos even audio, but I lack the software to perfect this edit.