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Post #1555906

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A New Edit/Approach Of LOST In chronological order (a WIP)
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Date created
22-Sep-2023, 11:09 PM

PiEater said:

Happy Lost Day, everyone! I hope you’re doing well.

Wigjuice and I are having a blast (door) checking through all 81 episodes and making slight adjustments as we go. Apparently I’m a Lost scholar now? Does that make me Dr PiEater? Not pie… (Arzt’s voice) It’s pi, you idiot!

Anywho, for all the maths (sorry for the spelling, I’m Australian!) nerds out there, so far we’ve passed over 32 episodes since 20th August. Therefore, at this rate (assuming that time continues to run linearly – and that’s a big if, because as we all know time is relative) we’re tracking to finish in another 56.0625 days, around 13th November. Of course, that estimate doesn’t account for the variations of daily life. Man, how I wish I just lived down a hatch with nothing to do except push a button and watch Lost all day.

Thank you for being very, very patient. The Others will be coming to get you soon.


To calm my expectations, I’m just gonna say I’m looking forward to a release by Christmas!

Thanks again for the hard work!