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Post #1555820

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A New Edit/Approach Of LOST In chronological order (a WIP)
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Date created
22-Sep-2023, 7:07 PM

Hello once again fellow Lost fans!

Happy September 22nd! Nineteen years of Lost, my goodness. I’m so thankful for this brilliant show!

Though I was originally hoping to be releasing my edit of the show on this special anniversary, it became clear recently that it would be slightly premature to do so. Have no fear, things are moving along every day, in a very positive manner!

As I’d mentioned before, there’s been a “beta test” going on with myself and a fellow Lost scholar, known here on the forum as PiEater. This process has turned out to be quite beneficial to the overall quality of the project. The good news is, the end result will be a better, more coherent and professional feeling experience, and worth the wait. The bad news is…well, that you’ll have to wait just a little bit longer.

At the pace we’re going now, I would expect somewhere in the range of 2-3 months. Of course, this is an estimate, and it could be sooner, or later than that. It’s always hard to say for sure when we both have daily lives that get in the way of the fun of working on the project. But it’s moving along all the time, so it will be ready ASAP! 😃

I am really excited to share this version of Lost with you all! I am really proud of it and feel it is a unique and fun way to watch this amazing show. I’ll continue to pop in here with updates from time to time. Thank you all so much for the support and patience!

It’s so close!!! 😃