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Post #1555552

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Ahsoka (live action series) - general discussion thread
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Date created
20-Sep-2023, 4:55 PM

I enjoyed Chapter 6 as it moved the story onwards instead of attempting to do some sort of attempted character arc or “fix”. A little jarring that Sabine found Ezra so quickly, just a few hours away from where she was released?

The night sister dark magic likely keeping the “Night Troopers” alive was interesting, it would appear they have been through a lot, and lost many troopers during their time in this galaxy. I hope they do something worthwhile with this, not it is not just a gimmick without any worthy story or substance. No droids or Imperial officers left on the Chimaera was also noticeable.

Even with Thrawn finally appearing on screen I was more interested in Baylon and Shin. It would seem we are still getting Rebels character Thrawn and not so much Zahn’s Thrawn. I hope that will change in the next two episodes to be more of the EU character, or at least a half/half version of him. I did get a blue Elon Musk feel from him, and have seen a few others pick up on that too!

The turtle species (Noti?) were very “Ewok”, and I am okay with that. Maybe their clothing was little too clean and new for a species living on a desolate wasteland (new costumes, like the brand new look of the inside of the old Ghost and Ahsoka’s old ship? 😃) I am actually looking forward to the next episode, especially if the story is now moving forward again.