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Post #1552150

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Ahsoka (live action series) - general discussion thread
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Date created
31-Aug-2023, 12:27 PM

What I like:

  • Mary Elizabeth Winsted as Hera, the only good actress in the series. I didn’t even realize who she was until the end credits even though she looked familiar. She’s the only one who acts like a real person.
  • The set pieces. I like the rebel ships and also the bad guy ship has finally something new and cool looking interior.
  • Even though the music isn’t really rememberable, at least it feels more SW.
  • The bad guy seems cool even though doesn’t do much yet. Don’t even remember his name.
  • At last some BLACK SPACE in the last episode and not always next to some colorful planets and weird space clouds. I’d like to see more SPACE in STAR WARS.


  • The assumption that everyone knows these characters is ridicilously high and misplaced. I didn’t even know/remember that Ahsoka trained Sabine even though I watched Rebels (if it was there or where-ever, I don’t care)
  • Very wooden acting aside Mary, people just posing around and standing, squinting their eyes and trying to look cool. Mostly the main character.
  • Can’t really blaim for Rebels references as this seems to be a straight sequel to that series which is something I’m not interested the least.
  • The dark jedi seem to next to nothing. The girl should get a haircut, looks ridicilous.
  • The first two episodes had heavy pacing issues, just standing around.
  • I almost got a mystery feeling in the space battle about who came after them and they immediately show it’s the girl and her friends. Would have been much more interesting to not show everything to the viewer.
  • I guess this is the Disney era, in space military there are 3-4 women in charge of some dangerous battle mission agains 2 bad women + 1 guy standing around. Sure, that could happen… Compensating much, Disney?