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Patchou's Star Trek: The Next Generation Workprints


In 2013 and 2016, Cyril Paciullo (“Patchou”) released fifteen workprints of fourteen episodes (one episode received two workprint releases) of Star Trek: The Next Generation which include scenes not found elsewhere. I found one here and a couple more here but am looking for the other dozen, as well as those three in original trilogy. Clips from some are available here. Thanks.


It looks like he took down his site and most of his videos. I’ve been trying to find the complete version of Sins of the Father to make an edit splicing in Blu-ray footage. Thankfully for season 4 onward, CBS included HD deleted scenes.


jimbotron235 said:

It looks like he took down his site and most of his videos. I’ve been trying to find the complete version of Sins of the Father to make an edit splicing in Blu-ray footage. Thankfully for season 4 onward, CBS included HD deleted scenes.

All fifteen here!