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Post #1550300

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Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)
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Date created
12-Aug-2023, 12:07 PM

Delpheas said:

This edit is phenomenal, I love how you kept everything from the show that stuck with me after my first watchthrough. Minus a few unremarkable moments, the AotC training scene, and the Tusken sequence, I couldn’t actually tell you what was cut.

The pacing was great, musical transitions were well done, and I’m putting this as my goto version of OWK.

I do miss the training flashback as I do love it and as others have said it explicitly contextualizes Vader’s actions and it is just a good duel. But I understand the reasons you cut it.

Once PixelJoker’s edit is out, do you think you might incorporate any of the VFX adjustments?

I need to see what PixelJoker’s edit does first, but it’s possible. I’m pretty happy with it as-is.

I’m actually using a version of the duel in my AOTC edit that I’m working on right now!