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Post #1549330

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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Saga's End Edition V3 (RELEASED)
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Date created
3-Aug-2023, 11:02 AM

Things are happening. I finished and posted the 4K Leia Training sequence with my own application of the purple saber effect previously and now I’m moving on to Rey using Leia’s saber on Exegol. It’s very tedious but so incredibly rewarding to watch it in full resolution with my own color correction applied as well.

I’ve already upscaled jonh’s force ghosts and am pretty happy with the detail, grain, and color balancing when compared to the 4K source without the additional FX work. I can’t wait to see it all come together with the rest of the purple saber effect and I’ll be posting progress updates here. Stay tuned!

4K Color Corrected Purple Saber - Exegol Pt. 1

Runtime: 0:08
Size: 669.2 MB