Update: The NiXON 1080p episodes are not true HD, and appear to have been scaled up without the use of AI. Essentially just enlarged versions of the SD episodes with blurry lines and halos. If I use AI to upscale the DVDs, that ends up looking much better, but I have one issue: occasional jaggy interlacing lines.
The NiXON versions do not have the jaggy interlacing lines, but the overall image quality isn’t as high as the DVD upscales. I even tried downscaling the NiXON file, the using AI to re-upscale, but the upscaled DVD still had crisper lines.
Here are screenshots of the same frame from each attempt…
DVD Upscale (with occasional interlacing issues):
1080p (non-AI upscale):
1080p (Downscale & AI Upscale):
Unless I can get a better source than the DVDs, can anyone direct me to the best tool to use for the deinterlace/detelecine process so that I can avoid the jaggies? I’m using a Mac, and the best results I’ve gotten so far have come from Handbrake, but no matter how I adjust the deinterlace/detelecine settings, I always seem to get artifacts in the same parts of the episode.