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Post #1547578

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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Saga's End Edition V3 (ARCHIVE)
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Date created
22-Jul-2023, 10:03 AM

If you can stomach another TROS edit then check this version out. The major goals of this edit include:

  • Making the Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker more of a coherent experience
  • Giving Leia more of a ‘Star Wars-y’ send off and an earlier exit (nothing but love and respect for Carrie Fisher—I’m just telling a different story)
  • Granting more agency to Rey and Ben in their own story
  • Establishing Emperor Palpatine as a credible threat with an intelligible plan
  • Walking the fine line of introducing original or enhancing existing story lines that won’t obviously break with cannon in future Star Wars installments
  • Making sure the film still has heart and humor when all is said and done. Hopefully it feels more contemplative and intentional but never dour

There’s a lot in this edit that I’m incredibly proud of. I encourage you to check the test clips in the top post to get a sense of what’s different BUT even if some of the plot points aren’t what you’re looking for in an edit I still think you’ll find it a satisfying, thoughtfully-crafted story. AND credit where credit due—a lot of this edit owes it’s existence to Ascendant and the discussion and contributions in that edit’s thread. Thank you all.
