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Post #1547083

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A New Edit/Approach Of LOST In chronological order (a WIP)
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Date created
18-Jul-2023, 6:55 PM

Hello to everyone following this thread!

I am very sorry for vanishing, but I got on this plane and I can’t quite remember what happened, but I found myself on a crazy island…

But seriously, life has been insane and the project went on the backburner for a long time. I really appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding. And more than anything, the continued excitement to see my edit of Lost. It’s so awesome that people care as much as I do about this brilliant show. I feel bad for not giving any updates at all for such a long time, but life gets crazy and in the mix of daily life fun things like this disappear into corners of the brain.

But you know what happens any time you try to leave the island for very long. It calls you back. And I did grow a big unkempt beard, though thankfully didn’t get addicted to painkillers. Anyway, hopefully there will be some progress soon and I’ll really try harder to keep in touch. Sometimes I get it in my head that no one would actually care that much about my silly project, but then realize that’s just not true. I only hope it lives up to what people are hoping when the time comes.

Thanks again, fellow Losties!