This could almost fit into the small details thread, but I don’t think it’s particularly obscure.
I wonder why they (Kershner?) decided it was so important to make sure Lando demonstrated proper safety protocols by wearing a safety harness & clipping in when getting onto the Falcon’s roof and grabbing Luke under Cloud City. It’s also such a shame any shots of Lando actually on the roof of the Falcon grabbing Luke were cut.
That was strange. Were the film companies at the time doing some “safety” promo work for the government around that time? Obi-Wan and Luke were shown to to belt up in the Falcon in Star Wars too. I think there was an anti-smoking advert with threepio and R2 around the time as well?
And the old joke about Ewoks having handrails everywhere in ROTJ, so they were actually more advanced than the Empire!
Around 1978 in my market they would play an anti drinking and driving PSA on TV using film from the Cantina.