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Post #1541075

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
26-May-2023, 6:15 PM

Ok, slightly off topic (Kylo/Ben lives / dies), then I’ll shut up. Hearing that Disney currently plans on Daisy Ridley reprising her role as Rey and doing what amounts to a version of the Jedi academy book series, it’s a shame they didn’t let Ben live. Or also, what could be an amazing storyline is in the next film: Rey resurrects Ben (or we learn he didn’t die), and Ben then doesn’t want to live with the shame of having been Kylo Ren.

So depending on what Disney may or may not do with the character Kylo Ren in the future (his body never vanished), the force ghost Kylo at the end of Ascendant may not be cannon in the future. Who knows.