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Post #1540195

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What do you think of the Sequel Trilogy? - a general discussion thread
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Date created
21-May-2023, 5:49 PM

I thought the ST was a very, very serious blow overall to the credibility and seriousness as a franchise to Star Wars.

TFA resets the entire galaxy off screen with little to no explanation or effort. George Lucas always had an expanding world and story. TFA also added very little in the form of new looks, technology and the Forcr was very slowly creeping in power to an unrecognizable level. I don’t have a problem with new abilities but once we start breaking in universe rules that begins jumping the shark.

TLJ basically cemented the way these new stories would go. Luke and the old guard are broken, weak, and dumb while the new empowered crew has to save the day. TLJ supposedly has a theme about failure. Yes, everyone failed. Except Rey. She successfully resists the dark side, resists Kylo, lifts countless rocks to aide the rebels, escapes snokes damaged ship and steals his private craft, bests Luke in mock combat and is able to show she is truly greater then all the other miserable failures in the film.

Putting that aside, the parking ticket side plot was really dumb and the whole ship chase wasn’t exciting. The movie did look absolutely gorgeous however.

TROS was horrendous and it simply amazes me (well it doesn’t if you think about all the things that JJ Abrams’s has in common with everyone else in Hollywood) that people like him fail upward.

The plot of TROS made little sense, and the emperor returning only to be defeated easily by Rey was a slap in the face to long time fans of the movies invested in Anakin Skywalkers redemption in the eyes of his son.

Overall the ST has accelerated the death knell for Star Wars. The magic is gone and you can’t recapture it because the people who run the franchise don’t understand what made it successful in the first place.