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Post #1539435

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Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]
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Date created
17-May-2023, 5:18 AM

TonyWDA said:

Yeah, it’s quite the hot topic in audio engineering circles. In this context, having as many audio options as possible is always best when all is said and done. It’s less convenient to get the Dolby 5.1 on the print preserved, but a lot easier to get the analog stereo track digitized using AEO Light— especially if the raw scan resolution is well past 2K. That would only be necessary if the scanner couldn’t (or simply didn’t) capture the analog audio along with the image scan or the sound on the capture was too hissy; unfortunately, LaserGraphics ScanStation units are kind of notorious for that. But all things in due time; I’m sure TristAndShout64 will cross that bridge when he gets to it.

Please don’t confuse Trist. ScanStations have two ways to transfer audio, the hissy hardware reader or software extraction that works better than AEO Light. But if you want the best optical audio transfer I can also get that at an additional expense. There’s no guarantee the SRD will play - it might, but it might not.