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Post #73662

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.: The Zion DVD Project :. (Released)
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Date created
25-Oct-2004, 7:16 PM
well I must say that I think the ease of IVTC does depend to some extent on the quality of the laserdisc players output and the type of capture card you are using.

my set was IVTC'd using donald grafts Decomb filter entirely in script. virtualdubs IVTC routine just didn't work for me, yet Zion has used virtualdub to IVTC his version. then again, @ zottig, you've done it manually.

considering we are all capturing a 23.97 fps source with 3:2 pulldown to interlace to a 29.97 fps image, it is strange that we don't seem to be able to come up with a definitive way to IVTC the capture.