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Twin Suns (Obi-Wan and Maul Coda) - Wrapping up their story without the Rebels connection (Released)


Hi all,

This is a short, 5-minute edit that preserves Kenobi and Maul’s duel from Rebels, but does not include anything else from Rebels. The idea is that you can watch this if you want to see the end of Maul’s story but aren’t concerned with the greater Rebels narrative or characters.

  • Majority of the episode “Twin Suns” cut except for scenes that only include Maul and Kenobi.
  • No Ezra or the rest of the cast of Rebels
  • Rescored with music from the trilogy and the Obi-Wan series.
  • Some shots were combined or otherwise created via masking and slow motion.

I actually made this a while ago, but it didn’t turn out as 100% perfect as I’d like so I held off on putting it out there. It’s as good as I’m able to do it, given the source material. If you like it as-is, great, but if someone wants to run with the idea I’m good with that too.



I think it works pretty well. I’d definitely show this to someone not interested in watching Rebels (although they should, lol).

Personally I’d be interested in a movie (or miniseries?) focused on the Kenobi/Maul arc from Clone Wars and ending with this. It would be a cool way to include that stretch of story in a marathon viewing when you don’t have time to even watch Clone Wars Refocused.


Octorox said:

I think it works pretty well. I’d definitely show this to someone not interested in watching Rebels (although they should, lol).

Personally I’d be interested in a movie (or miniseries?) focused on the Kenobi/Maul arc from Clone Wars and ending with this. It would be a cool way to include that stretch of story in a marathon viewing when you don’t have time to even watch Clone Wars Refocused.

In theory, it could work as a movie, basically the core of the whole story consists of 6 episodes of TCW and the epilogue from the Rebels. It’d be ~120-130 min long.