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Post #1536329

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Should Han have died in RotJ?
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Date created
28-Apr-2023, 4:52 PM

Good points! And especially with Lando. It seems like Lando went off to Tatooine right at the end of ESB, so it makes you think he has been focused on rescuing Han this whole time. I think legends explained the Battle of Taanab being a battle between pirates and a planetary defense fleet that Lando led, unrelated to the rebellion. And his reputation from that battle gave the rebellion confidence in his leadership abilities. It may have made more sense if Lando’s role was deemphasized during the briefing, and he was just leading one fighter groups and not the entire fighter attack. Or don’t have him be labeled a “leader” at all for the attack, and Lando just falls into that roll as the battle plays out.

They could’ve emphasized that Han was using his smuggling skills to sneak the ground team onto the Endor moon. They could have even explained that Han himself paid for the clearance codes, using his criminal connections to procure them. And I do think having Han let Lando fly the Falcon also contributes to his character growth as well.

And I think Leia’s role could’ve been given more purpose if part of the rebels’ plan was to make contact with the natives, and they assigned Leia to that mission because of her diplomacy skills. Would’ve been the perfect role for her, especially since she has a universal translator as a companion. I already had the idea of having Leia be the one to save the gang from being eaten by the Ewoks rather than Luke using their superstitions to trick them. It could be interesting if the rebel briefing could be changed to establish that idea, rather than everyone just volunteering for what is arguably the most important mission of the entire war (being a little facetious about that of course!)