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Post #1536320

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Star Fleet / X-Bomber - Upscale Project (Released)
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Date created
28-Apr-2023, 3:23 PM

Stunning quality, indeed. I tried making this into X-Bomber. Episode 1 went fine but in episode 2 the audio just wouldn’t stay in sync so I put that on hold and I’ll just keep both versions of the show. One thing I notice while working in episode 1 is that there is a bit of footage missing, right at the end of the attack on Pluto base, where the image goes black for a couple of seconds and then cuts to Moonbase. In the japanese episode that couple of seconds where it goes black shows the Gelma fighter flyng over Pluto base and an explosion. Was that "blackout in the french release or did something go amiss during the upscaling process? A minor complaint, given how good all the rest looks. Why can’t the actual rights holder release something like this? Thanks a million for your service. 😄