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Post #1535784

screams in the void
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Unique ways of watching/displaying the Star Wars movies
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Date created
25-Apr-2023, 9:53 PM

Just watched my 1992 letterbox vhs of the first Star Wars movie again . I recently went to a resale shop and brought home a 4x3 LCD tv that I picked up for 10 bucks .It was manufactured around 2006 and has a warm color setting that gives everything a kind of Technicolor look . Watching it while sitting a couple feet away from this 20 inch set , it reminded me a lot of the color grading of 4k77 . It didn’t quite have the look of true film that that project has , but the color grading of the 92 letterbox vhs release looked stellar on this set . This is probably the best I have seen vhs look on an LCD , almost comparable to a CRT display ,with a little bit of chroma noise . Maybe I will try component instead of composite cables next time to see if there is an uptick in quality . I have had this tape since I bought the boxed set in 92 and I think I enjoyed watching it today almost as much as the day I bought it and watched it on the 50 inch CRT rear projection tv my folks had back then . The tape still plays great after all these years ,only a little tracking issues/static lines right as the credits roll and then it clears up .I also plugged a set of quality stereo headphones into the tv for added enjoyment . Is it just me , or did some of those early LCD TVs have some better vivid colors ,despite the lower resolution ? This TV has a resolution of 640 x 480 . This is the manual for it …https://www.manualslib.com/manual/97694/Magnavox-20mf500t.html