Chipping in about Youngling scenes and references - please exclude.
I found them really distasteful when I first saw them
Even more so when I became a parent and was really reluctant about letting my children see the films.
Considering that all the films are seen as classics that children could watch, there are images and scenes I think are inappropriate for the cinematic fantasy of the films (up to prequels, it was notably the close up shot of burnt out bodies of Owen and Beru).
I know bad things happen in the world but as what is seen as a a series of films accessible for kids, there doesn’t need to be a kids being shown they are going to be killed.
(also in prequels, the decapitations of Dooku and Jango* are needlessly gratuitous, when stunt fight ‘slice across the chest’ could have done - still awkward about letting my kids see those bits)
I hate that the the official productions have to follow on gratuitous continuity of kids being killed.
I was really grateful when I found fan edits that made the decision to cut that.
The stories gained nothing from it, and the editors make them better films cinematically.
So please don’t reinstate Younglings scenes, references or images.
*If there was a way for their killings to be edited to not have their head lopped and rolling off, that would be amazing - I think young Boba’s last scene could still be included simply interpreted as him holding up Jango’s helmet - but I’ll more of those requests for the the EpII thread.