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Post #1535091

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The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition | A brand-new Season 3 forged from The Mandalorian and BoBF [ON HOLD]
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Date created
21-Apr-2023, 8:40 PM

Octorox said:

One thing that bothered me personally is Din essentially reverting to distrusting droids in the Plazir-15 episode when he had shown character growth on that front in the past. If there’s a way to imply that his prejudice is reserved for the separatist battle droids I think that would make more sense.

I agree! Definitely think focusing on that not only prevents him from regressing but actually works as him growing past his trauma since he’s facing the exact droids that took away his family and community from him.

Combine that with R5 being the one to save his life in Chapter 18, and I think a nice mini-character arc is beginning to take shape. Thanks for the input!